07 March,2019 by Rambler
EDB Postgres Container Platform Webinar Notes
I attended a good high-level webinar hosted by EDB Postgres. It was 45 mins long , which is a reasonable time slot. There was the obligatory overview of EDB Postgres, personnel - which is useful if you haven't seen it before.
These are some notes on the main points. There was also a demo of setting up Postgres HA within a Kubernetes Orchestration system.
>>Best Practises are emerging , and the conversation should focus on Databases and Containers , think of large scalable databases and how does this feed into working with Containers ?
In Containers numbers can fluctuate , so think about the management tools , how you are managing inventory control, monitoring and other management issues that reflect the current state?
Important to think about how would you not only build new Containers bit also how would you migrate existing applications into Containers
Cattle versus Pets
Containers support an ephemeral and fungible model - Need more? Make more!
Applications are fungible , like cattle
Databases are persistent , take a long time to warm up - cache loading , app impact , recovery\rollback
Treat databases lovingly just like pets
HA for databases
- streaming replication with query routing ?
- read scaling?
- synchronous or asynchronous replication?
- Double check the db containers is really down
- Promote carefully and make 100% sure that no applications remains connected
How do you avoid split brain ?
Custom scripting
Stolon https://github.com/sorintlab/stolon
Patroni - https://github.com/zalando/patroni
EDB failover manager
Demo by EDB
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