03 August,2019 by Rambler
I found Bad Blood - Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup at the local bookshop, read the synopsis and thought I'll give it a go. Three days later - completed. Rather than being a straightforward , chronological outline of the events - this book is written from different perspectives - delving into Theranos .
There's technology, psychology , organisational management , legal , ethics , and impending doom aka thriller. All flowing along , the story unfolding. If you've ever worked in technology - this is a salutary tale about the requirement to ask hard questions about shiny things. The author does a great job at cutting through the BS.
In recent years Investigative journalism has been dented - but Bad Blood - Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup does a great job at redressing this trend. Investigative journalism is alive and well if gutsy journalists with brave sources can produce this sort of work.
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