28 February,2020 by Rambler
Question: I'm having a problem using RLIKE and searching for a hyphen '-' , within a string.Also some other problems related to identifying strings with both character and numeric , while excluding numeric only or letters only strings. These are some examples of the strings:
Example 1 : Digit followed by letter – 12B, 110A , 78B, 2150A, 287H, 941C
Example 2: Numbers or numbers/letter with hyphen separator eg 61-63, 98-99, 1-33,2-14,1A-2A,169-173
Example 3: Numbers with forward slash separator e.g 1B/32,142/8 ,336C/2
Could you give me some RLIKE examples for each of the above scenarios
Answer: The following are simple examples to prove the theory. If you need to include these as part of a wider statement then you may need to think about CASE statement
Example 1 : Digit followed by letter
select '1a' RLIKE '^[0-9][0-9a-z]';
Example 2 : Numbers or numbers/letter with hyphen separator
select '1A-2A' RLIKE '[0-9a-z]-[0-9a-z]' ;
Example 3 : Numbers with forward slash separator
select '1A/2A' RLIKE '^[0-9][0-9a-z]*[\/][0-9a-z]$';
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