03 September,2020 by Rambler
Databases on containers is going mainstream. A great way to get comfortable with Containers and exploring the difference between a more traditional DBMS to OS relationship is to install Podman on Linux , download some images and start learning.
Podman is a daemonless, open source, Linux native for sharing and deploying applications using Open Containers Initiative (OCI) Containers and Container Images
Some terminology:
An image is a binary containing the requirements for running a single container. Metadata is included to describe various needs
The basic unit of Podman apps are termed as containers. Containers isolate the running processes , and by definition only interact with the associated resources
If you have RHEL 7.6 use :
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
yum install podman
yum install podman containernetworking-plugins (optional command)
yum install podman-docker (optional command)
Once you've confirmed Podman is installed , you can start to Pull images onto Podman
--view app logs
podman container logs <name of container>
--view only new logs
podman container logs -f <name of container>
--container statistics
podman stats
--container top processes
podman name <name of container>
--display container events
podman events
--list podman containers
podman ps -a
--remove podman containers
podman rm <name of container>
--stop a container
podman stop <name of container>
--remove all podman images- be careful this will remove all images
podman image rm -a
--podman container storage used\not used
podman system df
--podman ports exposed
podman inspect $CONTAINER -f='{{.NetworkSettings.Ports}}{{.HostConfig.PortBindings}}'
--ports listening on Linux
netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
--podman version
podman version
--podman inspect configurations
podman inspect
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