22 July,2021 by Rambler
Question: We're reviewing extending an application into a cloud provider. Part of the review requires analysing consequences of using one-way trust or two- way trust. Could you explain in simple terms the difference between one-way trust and & two-way trust
Answer: In a Trust situation there is the Trusted domain and the Trusting domain. There is the concept of access and trust
For example , One-way trust between Domain_1 and Domain_2
Unidirectional access
If we wanted Domain_1 to access resources in Domain_2 - but the not the other way around, that would be classed as one-way trust .
Domain_1 outbound (Trusted Domain)
Domain_2 inbound (Trusting Domain)
For example , Two-way trust between Domain_1 and Domain_2
Bidirectional access
If we wanted Domain_1 to access resources in Domain_2 - & Domain_2 to allow access to resources in Domain_1 that would be classed as two-way trust .
Domain_1 outbound & inbound (Trusted & Trusting Domain)
Domain_2 inbound & outbound (Trusted & Trusting Domain)
Some more reading on Active Directory
List the differences between Kerberos and NTLM
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