21 February,2022 by Rambler
Question: How can I edit the Global settings driver information on the AWS Schema Conversion Tool via a configuration file ? Rather than using the GUI interface ?
When I log onto the the AWS Schema Conversion Tool , I can get to the interface for the initial setup , but we want to build a process that changes the configuration file
Answer: When you first setup the AWS Schema Conversion Tool - there is an option to define the driver information in the Global Settings , that way you can avoid having to enter the driver information everytime you attempt a connection.
That is fine for the first time , but inevitably you will want to make edits to the driver information. It can be time consuming going through the GUI interface - particuarly if you're supporting multiple local installations.
The other option is to edit the "settings.xml document . The "settings.xml" is found in the user level settings and you can make the changes in the xml file, restart the conversion tool and the driver references will appear.
Make sure you test first , and look out for various unsupported driver information messages.
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