18 March,2022 by Rambler
Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL supports a TDS port and a postgreSQL port.
TDS port use a sql server client e.g SSMS , sqlcmd
postgeSQL port use a postgreSQL client e.g pgAdmin
--TDS port: Current Babelfish version
SELECT CAST(serverproperty('babelfishversion') AS VARCHAR)
--TDS port : Aurora PostgreSQL cluster version
SELECT aurora_version() AS aurora_version;
--TDS port: the compatible SQL Server version
--postgreSQL port : current aurora version, postgresql version, compatibility , babelefish version
aurora_version() as aurora_version,
version() as postgresql_version,
sys.version() as compatibility_SQL_Server_version,
sys.SERVERPROPERTY('BabelfishVersion') as Babelfish_Version
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