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A simple guide to migrate MS Access to PostgreSQL

07 April,2022 by Rambler

There are a number of challenges to migrating MS Access tables to PostgreSQL.     Here is a simple step by step that I used to successfully migrate a series of tables and data to a PostgreSQL database. 

Before we start - there are plenty of different tools available, including developing a DIY approach . This is one tool - focused on tables\data

1) Download and install the Access to PostgreSQL tool from - Access to PostgreSQL tool  (A2P)  - > Don't forget to donate some money to them 

2) To transfer the tables & data  directly to Postgresql you will also need the postgresql odbc drivers , which the A2P tool uses to communicate with PostgreSQL and transfer the objects. Link to the Postgresql odbc , download and install the drivers.  After you've successfully installed the drivers , check the odbc interface and you should see a reference to the PostgreSQL drivers. 



3) Before you start - ensure you have an accessible path to an MS Access database and a Postgresql database with a login with relevant privileges. 

4)Start the  A2P program - nice & simple 


5)Reference   the  MSAccess    database. Ensure  the db  is   on  a path   with  privileges  , otherwise  a "cannot  lock  database"   message  will  appearA2P_2


6)    Destination PostgreSQL Database


6) SELECT  MS Access tables - The next screen will take you to the SELECT tables . 

Let's say you have an Access table called - "WeeklySummary"   - the list will display it with the  Upper Case \ Lower Case breakdown .  Meaning - that is the way the table will be named in the target PostgreSQL database. 

As we know postgresql     will not  allow : select * from public.WeeklySummary ,    whereas  select * from public."WeeklySummary"  works. I've made a note to investigate whether it's possible 

There is a good feature - where you can doubleclick the tablename to specify which fields


Notes :

1) The steps above have not considered other application level  coding. 

2) There are other methods - for example if you don't have many tables - try :

  • Install Postgres ODBC driver on Windows computer.
  • Create a data source with "PostgreSQL Unicode" driver to your new database
  • For every table:
    • Use "File -> Export" choose type "ODBC Databases"
    • Confirm table name
    • Choose "Computer data source"
    • Select your data source

3) PostgreSQL is case-sensitive - A big change for developers from a Windows environment  is that PostgreSQL is case-sensitive whereas MS Access in-general isn't . One of the post-migration tasks should include a review of the table & column names. If the table names are , for example "MyTable"  - then the application will need to need to use the format "select * from schema1."MyTable"  , same applies for the columns  - i.e if you had a column  "Col1" than you'll need to reference as select "Col1" from schema1."MyTable"

Use this link to generate code to assist in changing the table  and column names to lower case - MSSQL to PostgreSQL Migration - upper versus lower case



Author: Rambler (


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