13 July,2022 by Rambler
dblink is a Postgresql extension and supports executing a query in a remote database, dblink which is very similar to Linked Servers in SQL Server.
There is a substantial similarity between dblink & Foreign Data Wrapper (postgres_fdw) , and the PostgreSQL documentation suggests\recommends using postgres_fdw due to a number of benefits such as :
1) standards compliance .
2) performance
3) postgres_fdw offers a read only capability
4) postgres_fdw establishes a permanent connection in comparison to dblink which is recreated each time and survives just for the session
Although the recommendation is to use postgres_fdw , the dblink has benefits:
1) commands available and works well in a programmatic framework.
dblink setup example
Before you proceed with creating the the dblink instance , you can look up the availability of the extension within the PostgreSQL server . The pg_available_extensions view returns the available extensions for installation
SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions
--find the reference to dblink
--done! or alternatively you can setup dblink and associate with a specific schema
--test the connection
SELECT dblink_connect('host=localhost port=5444 user=myuser password=mypw dbname=mydb');
Read more on Foreign Data Wrapper PostgreSQL
Read more on How to list extensions in PostgreSQL
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