27 September,2022 by Rambler
Question: I have to prepare a report to assess the potential workload of converting SQL Server databases to AWS PostgreSQL targets. There are a large number of databases , so i'd like to identify if there is a method through the AWS toolset to create this report for multiple databases. I've been using the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) to create individual reports , but these are time consuming , as it has to be done one-by-one
Answer: Within the same tool you're using - AWS SCT - there is another option when you create a new project called "Mutiserver". The "Multiserver" option is available when you attempt to create a new Project.
An input file is required to list the source databases and related metadata . For a step-by-step guide check the AWS documentation on : CHAP_AssessmentReport.Multiserver.
Typical output will include:
1) A folder per database which will include all the changes recommended and in the same folder a summarised PDF document
2) When using the Multiserver option there will also be covering all the database with following columns & I'm also including some sample output .
Server IP address and port,Secret Manager Key,Name,Description,Database name,Schema name,Code object conversion % for "Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible)",Storage object conversion % for "Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible)",Syntax Elements conversion % for "Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible)",Conversion Complexity for "Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible)"
Notes :
These definitions are from the AWS SCT help guide
"Code object conversion % for" - "The percentage of code objects in the schema that AWS SCT can convert automatically or with minimal change. Code objects include procedures, functions, views, and similar."
Storage object conversion % - "The percentage of storage objects that SCT can convert automatically or with minimal change. Storage objects include tables, indexes, constraints, and similar".
Syntax Elements conversion % - The percentage of syntax elements that SCT can convert automatically. Syntax elements include SELECT
, and JOIN
clauses, and similar.
Conversion Complexity -
"The conversion complexity calculation is based on the notion of action items. An action item reflects a type of problem found in source code that you need to fix manually during migration to a particular target. An action item can have multiple occurrences.
A weighted scale identifies the level of complexity for performing a migration. The number 1 represents the lowest level of complexity, and the number 10 represents the highest level of complexity."
Read More on migrating databases to AWS hosted resources
Dive deep into database migration services AWS DMS and AWS SCT
How to enable data validation for AWS DMS database migration task
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