10 October,2022 by Rambler
Question: I'm dealing with a SQL Server to PostgreSQL conversion using the AWS Schema Conversion Tool Assessment Report . One of the responses in the Assessment Report is :
Issue 7681: PostgreSQL doesn't support clustered indexes
Recommended action: Revise your code to use non-clustered indexes and try again
What is the correct way forward?
Answer: From the Microsoft website - In SQL Server the definition of a Clustered Index is "A clustered index is an index which defines the physical order in which table records are stored in a database. Since there can be only one way in which records are physically stored in a database table, there can be only one clustered index per table. By default a clustered index is created on a primary key column"
In comparison PostgreSQL doesn't support clustered indexes directly. Similar characteristics can be implemented via the CLUSTER statement. The CLUSTER statement applies a table sorting process based on index already created in a table. By executing the CLUSTER statement , the data stored in the table is sorted physically - based on the index.
In comparison to SQL Server , when an entry is made in a table with a Clustered index the Clustering is applied automatically. When using the PostgreSQL CLUSTER statement it needs to be reapplied when there are new entries in a table
CREATE TABLE idtest_dbo.mytable ( my_id NUMERIC, my_value VARCHAR(200), CONSTRAINT pk_my_id PRIMARY KEY(my_id)); INSERT INTO idtest_dbo.mytable VALUES (1,'Prince'); INSERT INTO idtest_dbo.mytable VALUES (3,'Van Halen'); INSERT INTO idtest_dbo.mytable VALUES (2,'Satriani'); CLUSTER idtest_dbo.mytable USING pk_my_id; SELECT * FROM idtest_dbo.mytable;
Read more on converting SQL Server to PostgreSQL
A simple guide to AWS SCT multiserver assessment
Dive deep into database migration services AWS DMS and AWS SCT
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