15 December,2022 by Rambler
AWS DynamoDB supports On-Demand backups and Point-In-Time-Recovery (PITR) backups. There is also SYSTEM backups for DynamoDB - for example - these are created when a DynamoDB table is deleted.
There are two options available for creating and managing DynamoDB on-demand backups: AWS Backup service & DynamoDB.
Option 1 : Using the DynamoDB method for a DynamoDB snapshot backup. Using the dynamoDB api
--create backup to DynamoDB API
aws dynamodb create-backup --table-name <REPLACE_WITH_DYNAMODB_TBL> --backup-name <REPLACE_WITH_DYNAMODB_TBL_BACKUP_NAME>
Option 2 : Using the AWS Backup method for a snapshot , using the the backup api
aws backup start-backup-job --backup-vault-name <REPLACE_BACKUP_VAULT_NAME> --resource-arn <REPLACE_WITH_DYNAMO_TABLE_ARN> --iam-role-arn <REPLACE_WITH_IAM_ROLE_ARN> --region <REPLACE_WITH_REGION_NAME>
Notes on DynamoDB backups
1) When PITR is enabled , DynamoDB maintains continuous backups and can restore to any point in time between the EarliestRestorableDateTime and LatestRestorableDateTime
2) PITR needs to be enabled on a DynamoDB table by table basis
How to check the PITR status
Example 1 : PITR status is enabled
aws dynamodb describe-continuous-backups --table-name abc1 { "ContinuousBackupsDescription": { "ContinuousBackupsStatus": "ENABLED", "PointInTimeRecoveryDescription": { "PointInTimeRecoveryStatus": "ENABLED", "EarliestRestorableDateTime": "2022-11-02T13:36:19.311000+00:00", "LatestRestorableDateTime": "2022-12-07T13:31:19.311000+00:00" } } }
Example 2: PITR is disabled
aws dynamodb describe-continuous-backups --table-name abc2 { "ContinuousBackupsDescription": { "ContinuousBackupsStatus": "ENABLED", "PointInTimeRecoveryDescription": { "PointInTimeRecoveryStatus": "DISABLED" } } }
How to enable PITR on a DynamoDB table
aws dynamodb update-continuous-backups --table-name MyDynamoDBtable --point-in-time-recovery-specification PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled=true
How to Restore a DynamoDB to point-in-time table using AWS CLI
Note: PITR recovery restores to a new table
OPTION 1 : Restore to the latest Restorable times
aws dynamodb restore-table-to-point-in-time --source-table-name MyDynamoDBtable --target-table-name MyDynamoDBtable-restore --use-latest-restorable-time
OPTION 2 : Restore to a specific point in time
Note: To get a specific restore-date-time
aws dynamodb restore-table-to-point-in-time --source-table-name <replace_with_source_tbl_> --target-table-name <replace_with_target_tbl> --no-use-latest-restorable-time --restore-date-time <replace_with_restore_date_time>
How to Restore a DynamoDB when the backup is generated by the SYSTEM . For example , when the backup is created automatically when a DynamoDB table is deleted.
Step 1 : Check for the existence of a SYSTEM DynamoDB table
aws dynamodb list-backups --table-name <replace_with_the_DynamoDB table> --backup-type SYSTEM --output table
Step 2 : Use the BackupARN value to restore the database
aws dynamodb restore-table-from-backup --target-table-name <replace_with_table_name> --backup-arn <replace_with_backup_arn>
Along with data, the following settings are also restored to the new DynamoDB table:
Global secondary indexes (GSIs)
Local secondary indexes (LSIs)
Provisioned read and write capacity
Encryption settings
There are a few settings that will need to be manually set up on the restored table and are not copied over:
Auto scaling policies
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies
AWS CloudWatch metrics and alarms
Stream settings
Time-to-Live (TTL) settings
Point-in-time recovery settings
How to Restore A DynamoDB Table - assuming the AWS Backup plan is used
--get the DynamoDB table Resource ARN
aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name <replace_with_DynamoDB_table_name> --query Table.TableArn
--get the backup resource ARN .This query will return 1 or more backup recovery points - with date and Recovery PointARN. Select the RecoveryPointARN as required
aws backup list-backup-jobs --by-state COMPLETED --query "BackupJobs[?ResourceArn == '<replace_with_DynamoDB_Resource_ARN>'].[CompletionDate,RecoveryPointArn]"
-- execute the restore command
aws dynamodb restore-table-from-backup --target-table-name <REPLACE_WITH_TARGET_TBL> --backup-arn <REPLACE_WITH_BACKUP_RESOURCE_ARN>
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