28 December,2022 by Rambler
RDS - AWS Backup service supports RDS continuous backups. When you configure the Backup Plan change the "EnableContinuousBackup" variable to True.
After creating the backup plan, use the Backup Type Column to locate the continuous backup in your backups. The backup should show as Available upon completion of the first continuous backup, indicating that PITR is available.
When attempting the Restore - there will be an option to Restore to a specific point in time
AWS Backup Interface to Restore an RDS instance with PITR-> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-backup/latest/devguide/restoring-rds.html
DynamoDB - AWS Backup service supports DynamoDB continuous backups. When you configure the Backup Plan change the "EnableContinuousBackup" variable to True.
Just adding DynamoDB as a resource type to backup is not sufficient to initiate the Continuous backup . The DynamoDB creation process needs to include an enable DynamoDB table for Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR).
After the point-in-time recovery is enabled , you can restore to any point in time within EarliestRestorableDateTime and LatestRestorableDateTime. LatestRestorableDateTime is typically 5 minutes before the current time.
When you restore a number of settings need to be added such as :Point-in-time recovery settings, tags,Cloudwatch policies, IAM policies
Check the DynamoDB Continuous Backup status via AWS Console Interface or through the CLI .
This DynamoDB does not have PITR enabled as indicated by the PointInTimeRecoveryStatus
aws dynamodb describe-continuous-backups --table-name MyDynamoDB1 { "ContinuousBackupsDescription": { "ContinuousBackupsStatus": "ENABLED", "PointInTimeRecoveryDescription": { "PointInTimeRecoveryStatus": "DISABLED" } } }
This DynamoDB does not have PITR enabled as indicated by the PointInTimeRecoveryStatus
aws dynamodb describe-continuous-backups --table-name awsbackupjvpoc { "ContinuousBackupsDescription": { "ContinuousBackupsStatus": "ENABLED", "PointInTimeRecoveryDescription": { "PointInTimeRecoveryStatus": "ENABLED", "EarliestRestorableDateTime": "2022-11-22T09:54:34+00:00", "LatestRestorableDateTime": "2022-11-22T10:26:32.148000+00:00" } } }
Restoring the DynamoDB table to a point in time using the DynamoDB console Note: This method recovers from the DynamoDB continuous backup for PITR https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/PointInTimeRecovery.Tutorial.html
Restoring the DynamoDB table using the AWS Backup Console Note: This method recovers from AWS Backup DynamoDB snapshots
Aurora - By default, Aurora backs up its cluster volume automatically and retains it for a user-defined backup retention period. Aurora backups are continuous and incremental, data can be restored to any point in time within the user-defined backup retention period. You can even restore your data to what it was 5 minutes ago. At this point - AWS BackUp doesn't support PITR - for further reading - Restoring to a specified time using Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)
Restoring a DB Cluster to a specified time - Restore a DB Cluster to a specific point in time , creating a new DB Cluster
Restoring from a DB cluster snapshot - Create a new DB cluster by restoring from a DB snapshot
Restoring an Amazon Aurora cluster using AWS Backup - AWS Backup restores your Aurora Cluster - it does not create or attach an Amazon RDS to your cluster
A question that normally comes up is whether AWS Backup Service should manage both continuous backups and snapshot backups.
1) The general recommendation by AWS is to use both snapshot & continuous backups - as they both offer different advantages.
2) Your overall solution will depend on the use case , and needs to be specific to the overall organization business continuity plans
3)An important point about AWS Backup & Continuous Backup . At this point Cross-region AWS Backup Continuous backup is not supported. Quote from AWS documentation "If a continuous backup rule also specifies a cross-account or cross-Region copy, AWS Backup takes a snapshot of the continuous backup and copies that snapshot to the destination vault."
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