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AWS SCT Global settings - Cannot add Windows Authentication Library

02 February,2023 by Rambler

Question: Since AWS SCT Build 670 - it's not possible to apply the Windows Authentication Library through the Global Settings tab. How can I access the Authentication Library ?

Answser: There are 2 options  


Option 1 -  Check the value  associated with mssql_auth_file   variable in  the in the settings.xml file . Even though the value doesn't appear in the Global Settings Windows Authentication will work.

<setting key="mssql_auth_file" value="C:\tools\Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.2 for SQL Server\sqljdbc_7.2\enu\auth\x64\sqljdbc_auth.dll"/>

once the value is applied on the correct settings.xml , restart AWS SCT and the Windows Authentication will work 

Option 2 - If the mssql_auth_file   variable value is not in place , when you go to Add Source - SQL Server and try and configure for a Windows Authentication the File choice option will appear. Choose the file . This will add the value toe the Settings file and then it will be referenced for future requests , 





Longer term AWS SCT is being integrated through the  AWS DMS tool - read more - AWS DMS Schema Conversion announcement

Author: Rambler (


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