01 March,2023 by Rambler
Question: What is the difference in an AWS option group and AWS parameter group?
Answer: The definitions of Parameter Groups and Option Groups are as follows
Parameter group stores engine configuration values and can be used as a container mapped to one or more instances. If you do not specify a customer-created parameter group than a default parameter group is created containing typical defaults for RDS including engine, storage allocation , compute class.
You can create a customer parameter group using either the AWS interface or AWS CLI . For AWS CLI use the create-db-parameter-group
Option Groups enables and configure additional features. An option group can specify features, called options, that are available for a particular Amazon RDS DB instance.When you map a DB with an option group , the DB instance will inherit the features . For example - if you want to enable TDE for RDS SQL Server - add TDE as an option in the Option group.
You can create a customer parameter group using either the AWS interface or AWS CLI . For AWS CLI use the create-option-group
If you want to check the details of the option group
aws rds describe-option-groups --option-group-name sqlserver-tde { "OptionGroupsList": [ { "OptionGroupName": "sqlserver-tde", "OptionGroupDescription": "TDE test ", "EngineName": "sqlserver-ee", "MajorEngineVersion": "15.00", "Options": [ { "OptionName": "TDE", "OptionDescription": "SQL Server - Transparent Data Encryption", "Persistent": true, "Permanent": false, "OptionSettings": [], "DBSecurityGroupMemberships": [], "VpcSecurityGroupMemberships": [] } ], "AllowsVpcAndNonVpcInstanceMemberships": false, "OptionGroupArn": "arn:aws:rds:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } ] }
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