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AWS DMS Context Logging

02 June,2023 by Rambler

DMS has introduced Context logging to give information on migrations in progress. Context logging is only available in AWS DMS version 3.5.0 or higher, 

If your DMD Replication Instance is not already at 3.5 ,take steps to modify your Replication Instance to 3.5 (currently in Beta) 


Method 1: Upgrade Replication Instance  Through the AWS Interface


Method 2 : Upgrade replication Instance Upgrade using AWS CLI 


--List all Replication Instances , ReplicationInstanceArnm associated EngiveVersion

aws dms describe-replication-instances --query "ReplicationInstances[].[ReplicationInstanceIdentifier,ReplicationInstanceArn,EngineVersion]"

--Check status and version 

aws dms describe-replication-instances --query "ReplicationInstances[?ReplicationInstanceIdentifier=='MyReplicationInstance'].[ReplicationInstanceIdentifier,ReplicationInstanceStatus,EngineVersion]"

--Modify the the Replication Instance Engine Version  This will cause an outage , via apply-immediately .Check there are no jobs running on the Replication Instance

aws dms modify-replication-instance --replication-instance-arn <REPLACE_WITH_REPLICATION_INSTANCE_ARN> --engine-version <REPLACE_WITH_ENGINE_VERSION> --allow-major-version-upgrade --apply-immediately

Use the AWS CLI commands above to check on the status & version .   Then continue to check the Replication Instance is at the target version number & in an "Available" status


AWS DMS Context Logging

AWS DMS turns on context logging by default. To control context logging, set the EnableLogContext task setting to true or false, or by modifying the task in the console.

To get more detailed information on object types monitored in the Context Logging read AWS DMS Context logging




Author: Rambler (


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