01 June,2023 by Rambler
Terraform explained in 15 mins
A quick summary of the Terraform explained in 15 mins YouTube video . To get the full details watch this excellent video - linked below
What is Terraform ?
Allows you to automate and manage your infrastructure and services running on your platform using a declarative language (define what end reult you want)
Terraform comes in at step 1 -
Difference between Ansible & Terraform - Both Infrastructure as a Code , however TF mainly infrratstructure provisioning tool . Ansible mainly a configuration tool . There is overlap
Create Infrastructire
Changes to infrastructure ==> stage 2 , i.e managing the infrastructure - automate the continuous changes
Replicating infrastructure - e.g Dev environment -> Prod environment
How does Terraform work?
- 2 mian components
- 2 input sources : TF-Config and State . Core than figures what needs to be created , updated , destroyed ?
Terraform works with different Provides - aws,Azure , Kubernetes - currently over 100 providers
Execution Plans ==> Providers
Declarative - you define the end state in your config file , not the exact steps (imperative) . There are multiple benefits including you always know the current setip by looking at the config file
Declarative is suitable for these types of tasks , but for other types of tasks some further though may be required : Is Terraform declarative or imperative and is it suitable for DB restore procedures ?
Terraform has commands
--refresh - query infrastructure provider to get current state
--plan - create an execution plan
-apply - execute the plan
-destroy - destroy the resources/infrastructure
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