30 August,2023 by Rambler
Question: I've read about the new switch in AWS Backup service api called copy-source-tags-to-restored-resource , and have successfully applied the tag during the restore procedure for an RDS
But I tried to apply it to DynamoDB and received this error message .
aws backup start-restore-job --recovery-point-arn arn:aws:backup:xxxxx:9999999999:recovery-point:888888888888888 --copy-source-tags-to-restored-resource --metadata file://restore_metadata.json --resource-type DynamoDB --iam-role-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxx --region myregion1
An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the StartRestoreJob operation: Copying tags from the protected resource to the restored resource is not supported for [DynamoDB] resource type.
Am I doing something incorrectly or is this a current state in relation to copying tags from a AWS Backup backup copy to a restored DynamoDB?
Answer: Currently there a bunch of resources including DynamoDB and Advanced DynamoDB that do not support copy-source-tags-to-restored-resource . More information on Copying tags onto backups This means you'll need to explore a process to add the tags as part of a post-restore procedure
The situation applies to both a single resgion backup & restore scenario & cross-region scenario. Creating backup copies across AWS Regions is a common Disaster Recovery technique but maintaining a systematic and efficient recovery procedure will require developing procedures to support a dependable recovery process
One approach is to main some sort of metadata management databases which stores all the extra information that will be required to restore the database back to it's previous last known good position.
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