20 September,2023 by Rambler
Compiling a list of GIT commands used regularly in my daily work. Adding more over the next few daysModels
Gitflow - Focus on long lif feature branches and multiple primary branches . More collaboration required - and strict development method.
Trunk-based development - Developers merge small, regular update to the core - trunk also know as "main branch" . Used in CI\CD
--Clone the repository to the local machine
git clone https://mygithub2.com/myproject.git
--Check status of file
--Files marked in red are in the file system, but Git not tracking them yet.
git status
--Track the file
git add myFilename
-- Commit aka save your file to the local copy of the project’s Git repository
git commit -m "a commit test"
--show refs
git show-ref
--Show commit history
git log
--Display unstaged changes
git diff
--Push aka your changes from you up to GitHub
--origin = repository of copy in GitHub
git push origin <replace_with_branch_name>
--Display branches in the repo
git branch
--Create and check out a new branch named <MyBranch>. Don't use the -b flag for checking out an existing branch.
git checkout -b <MyBranch>
git config --global http.sslVerify false
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