03 October,2023 by Rambler
During some troubleshooting during an Incident I noticed the drive space dedicated to the MongoDB data mountpoint was filling up at an alrming rate. Upon investigation I noticed there was a Groom Job running .
The setup was a MongoDB Blockstore configured servers.
The purpose of MongoDB groom jobs is to remove unused blocks in blockstores and S3 blockstores . The net result is a storage space reclaim
From the MongoDB documentation.
During grooming operations, you may notice that the file sizes of blockstores and S3 snapshot stores fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. This is normal during these operations."
There are two events that can automatically trigger a Groom Job .
Deciding on the disk space to allocate will require an understanding of the Groom Job behaviour and also the type of activity on the MongoDB backup drives.
To monitor messages read How to read MongoDB system log file
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