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Cannot perform operation: an index build is currently running for collection

08 November,2024 by Rambler

Question: I'm trying to rename a MongoDB collection but getting the following warning : 

Cannot perform operation: an index build is currently running for collection


Answer: Use this command from to identify the operation 

      currentOp: true,
      $or: [
        { op: "command", "command.createIndexes": { $exists: true }  },
        { op: "none", "msg" : /^Index Build/ }

You can also use the aggregate function

db.aggregate( [    { $currentOp : { allUsers: true, idleConnections: false } },    { $match : { client: "", microsecs_running: {$gt: 10000} }}, {$project: { _id:0, host:1, opid:1, secs_running: 1, op:1, ns:1, waitingForLock: 1, numYields: 1  } } ] ).pretty()

db.aggregate( [    { $currentOp : { allUsers: true, idleConnections: false } },    { $match : { client: "" }}, {$project: { _id:0, host:1, opid:1, secs_running: 1, op:1, ns:1, waitingForLock: 1, numYields: 1  } } ] ).pretty()

db.aggregate( [    { $currentOp : { allUsers: true, idleConnections: false } },   {$project: { _id:0, client:1,host:1, opid:1, secs_running: 1, op:1, ns:1, waitingForLock: 1, numYields: 1  } } ] ).pretty()

db.aggregate( [    { $currentOp : { allUsers: true, idleConnections: false } },   {$project: { _id:0, client:1,host:1, opid:1, secs_running: 1, op:1, ns:1, waitingForLock: 1, numYields: 1  } } ] ).pretty()

db.aggregate( [    { $currentOp : { allUsers: true, idleConnections: false } },  { $match : { ns: "mydb.mycollection"}}, {$project: { _id:0, client:1,host:1, command:1,opid:1, secs_running: 1, op:1, ns:1, waitingForLock: 1, numYields: 1  } } ] ).pretty()


Depending on the circumstances it may be necessary to kill the operatoiom



Author: Rambler (


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