12 December,2024 by Rambler
Most cloud services are separated into two logic areas - data planes and control planes.
Think of it as an architectural pattern e.g the control plane defines the instructions , the data plane fulfills the instructions
Control Plane - supply the APIs to create\read\update\delete\list services
e.g Provision a new RDS Instance - the control plane deals with finding capacity , database provisioning , track the db instance state
Data Plane - providing the services main function. The RDS Instance in our example is where the DB runs
This is a link to an AWS resource with in-depth discussion of Control Plane & Data Plane
REL11-BP04 Rely on the data plane and not the control plane during recovery
A key concept is preventative mitigation i.e decrease\eliminate dependencies on the control plance , and instead increase dependency on the data plane , & therefore decreasing the possibility of single points of failure. It's a trade off , what is the RPO\RTO and associated budget ?
An AWS Reading list
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